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Categoria: House (all)
“Lower Milky Way“
“Busy Line“
Ascolta tutto
A1: C3C6
B1: Lower Milky Way
B2: Busy Line
2025 of New Interplanetary Melodies begins with Extra Meta EP signed by ABYSSY, Part 2 of the album EXTRA META .
“Extra Meta was born from the passion for a certain electronic sound ecosystem of the 70s and 80s, a journey that embraces minimalism of the “Berlin school” and extends to the beating heart of the soul/funk of Detroit techno. A journey into the abyss of emotions and the unknown of the human spirit, as the deep darkness of the ocean intertwines with the unfathomable darkness of space. An invitation to explore new sound boundaries, to let yourself be lulled by waves that repeat without ever repeating themselves and to immerse yourself in the reflective mystery of discovery and of evolution, a dance in darkness and light, and where the abyss of emotion merges with the infinity of imagination: ABYSSY.”